Tìm kiếm

14 Th2 2018 15:55
Conveners: Bui Minh Tri and Do Truong Giang (giangiseas@gmail.com)
14 Th2 2018 15:44
Conveners: Noel Hidalgo Tan, Adhi Agus Octaviana and Victoria N. Scott
11 Th2 2018 14:20
SESSION CHAIRS: Dr Jennifer Rodrigues (Jennifer.Rodrigues@museum.wa.gov.au) and Ms Abhirada Pook Komoot (abhirada.komoot@research.uwa.edu.au)
11 Th2 2018 14:10
The presence of these remains reveals multiple sets of data into the life ways, as well as death ways of people in the past. As people are not only bearers of cultural beliefs and practices but also representatives of a population’s diet, health and nutrition, their remains persist to be a vital subject for study in archaeology.
11 Th2 2018 14:08
This session would like to share with colleagues what National Museum archaeologists and other researchers have done in the field and in our laboratories. Two new developments resulted in more studies being conducted: the recent hiring of new researchers as well as the establishment of a new Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage Division.
09 Th2 2018 09:13
Ngày 3/2/2018, Trường ĐHKHXH&NV, ĐHQGHN phối hợp với UBND thị xã Đông Triều (Quảng Ninh), Bảo tàng Quảng Ninh tổ chức hội thảo báo cáo kết quả khai quật tại các di tích: Am Ngọa Vân, Đá Chồng, đền An Sinh và mộ táng Trại Lốc, nằm trong Khu Di tích quốc gia đặc biệt nhà Trần tại thị xã Đông Triều, tỉnh Quảng Ninh.
07 Th2 2018 09:20

Conveners: David Blundell (pacific@berkeley.edu) and Frank Muyard (frank.muyard@gmail.com)


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