Tìm kiếm
22 Th2 2018 15:24
This panel will focus on the discussions of the production and technological exchange of ancient porcelain industries, based on new findings of archaeological excavations, shipwrecks, collections, and documentations etc. during the past decades, in the East and Southeast Asia areas.
22 Th2 2018 15:22
Organizers: Yoshihiro Nishiaki; Chirs Clarkson; Rintaro Ono; Atsushi Noguchi noguchi@um.u-tokyo.ac.jp
22 Th2 2018 15:18
Conveners: Marlon Ririmasse and Peter Lape
22 Th2 2018 15:00
This session will examine the timings for major events in the Southeast Asian prehistoric record, including (but not limited to) the first arrival of modern humans, the first use of marine resources, the first occupation of rainforest environments, the extinction window of megafaunal species, and the timing of major faunal turnovers.
22 Th2 2018 14:53
Conveners: Professor Prakash Sinha (passinha@yahoo.com) & Dr Sukanya Sharma
22 Th2 2018 14:49
Conveners: Roger Blench and Frank Muyard; rogerblench@yahoo.co.uk
22 Th2 2018 14:44
Conveners: Damien Huffer and Rhayan Melendres; damien.huffer@gmail.com
22 Th2 2018 14:41
Organizers: Rasmi Schoocondej and Wesley Clarke - rasmi13@hotmail.com; sakya52@hotmail.com
22 Th2 2018 14:35
Conveners: Eka Asih Putrina Taim and Agustjanto Indrajaja - ekaasih_taim@yahoo.com
22 Th2 2018 14:33
Conveners: Amy J. Jordan and Michelle S. Eusebio - ajordan2@uw.edu; meusebio@ufl. edu
Thông báo
Thứ tư, 12 Tháng 6 2024- 09:59
Thứ bảy, 27 Tháng 5 2023- 14:12
Thứ hai, 06 Tháng 6 2022- 10:10
Thứ tư, 23 Tháng 3 2022- 14:57
Thứ ba, 07 Tháng 9 2021- 16:38
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